Dear Readers,
It is my great pleasure to announce that your very own
Broowaha is launching a New York edition and welcoming new
contributors from the New York area!The new website for BrooWaha New York is:
http://newyork.broowaha.comAs a visitor from BrooWaha Los Angeles, you have access to
most features on BrooWaha New York. You can read articles,
leave comments, send messages, etc... The main restriction
on visitors is that they can only publish articles in their
city of origin. However, please feel free to browse the
New York edition and support your fellow contributors from
the east coast!
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all
of you here at BrooWaha Los Angeles for the amazing work
you have done during these last six months. I have
personally noticed a significant increase in the overall
quality of the writing on the website. For instance,
BrooWaha has published several local celebrity interviews
which have been picked up by other news media outlets.
Some of them have also been integrated into Wikipedia, the
largest citizen-contribution online encyclopedia. I
strongly encourage any of you who want to work on such
locally relevant articles to do so. Reading and writing for
Broowaha is a unique opportunity to meet amazing people
from all around the world, share stories, hone writing
skills, and perhaps gain recognition in the journalistic
and artistic communities.
If you have any friends living in or around the Big
Apple, please encourage them to join the new edition of
Broowaha New York. Also, please tell all your friends in
Los Angeles about both editions of the paper and encourage
them to join and contribute!Cheers,